Welcome to ACEIRT Academy, a department of ACEIRT Solutions LLC. Dr. Tracie Lashley Academy was created to offer great value for leaders at affordable rates. We understand that people need access to quality material for personal growth. 😁
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DONATIONS: 10% of proceeds is donated to Boss'd UP LeadHERz, Inc. whose mission is to eliminate stereotypes for women and girls in the workplace, schools, and communities. Provide a sanctuary for women and girls to produce intentional growth, success, and significance. Generate essential resources to elevate women and girls to an entrepreneurial mindset and executive leadership.
MISSION: To inspire, equip, and grow entire families around the world to elevate to unimaginable levels.
VISION: To be a household name for the all families and communities GLOBALLY.
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The goal of this experience is to help participants discover strategies that they can immediately implement in order to better engage with their team.
Did you know that less than half of American workers report feeling ‘engaged’ at their job? Leaders in the workforce need your help in finding ways to effectively communicate, connect with, and inspire their team to step up and feel motivated to do their best work. If you’re passionate about helping people reach their full potential as a leader, this John Maxwell inspired content is for you! The goal of this experience is to help participants discover strategies that they can immediately implement in order to better engage with their team.
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